Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Tuesday, 21 June.

We are home now, but wanted to add a few things that did not make it into the blog thus far. So much to see and do!

We had a wonderful time. The French are very polite, their food is delicious (for the most part), they truly have the best pastries in the world, their countryside is very clean and uncluttered (no trash or billboards - so scenic).

We averaged walking 7 to 9 miles a day when in Paris, and many, many flights of stairs. Many hotels do not have elevators, and even when they did, we took the stairs. My app says I climbed 278 flights of stairs on this trip. On Mt St Michel, we would do 40 flights in one day! I'm sure our scales won't agree, though.

Here are a few random photos from France:


A tutu with your blazer?

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