Wednesday, June 15, 2016


I published the previous blog before my tapestry photos loaded (it takes a while on slow internet). We were not allowed to photograph the tapestry and these photos are from the web.

The tapestry is actually embroidedered, not a true tapestry, and it is 230 feet long and 20 inches high. It depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England, culminating in the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Completed in 1077, it consists of a little over 50 scenes. It was displayed annually at the Bayeux Cathedral until a few years ago when it got its own museum.

On our cathedral tour, we were taken into the treasure room where the ancient pine trunk in which it was stored still remains.

Taken by the Nazis to the Louvre in occupied Paris in 1944, it was returned to Bayeux after the liberation.

By the way, clicking on any of the photos on our blog pages, you will be able to see them in a larger format.

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