Monday, June 6, 2016


Saturday, 4 June.

Didn't do much but check into our hotel and go next door for dinner on Friday.

The Seine is flooding, the Louvre, Musee d'Orsay and Giverny are closed; our Bateux Parisennes dinner cruise was cancelled. BUT! We are in Paris, so I am sure we will find something to do.

Mostly walked around on Saturday; so much to see here. Everyone is hanging out by the Seine to see if it is going down yet. Highest level in 30 years. No boat traffic of any kind on the river, so a lot of businesses are hurting.

Toured one of our favorite places here, Luxembourg Gardens, then visited the Pantheon, burial place of the Curies, Voltaire, Braille and many others. We paid extra to climb 210 steps to the panoramic view. Wonderful! Even though it was overcast, you could see most of the city. The centerpiece of the Pantheon is Foucault's Pendulum. The original was installed here in 1851, but the one we saw is a replica. The original is in another museum. Nevertheless, very impressive. It was the first simple proof of the earth's rotation.

We also stopped in at St. Stephen's church.

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