Saturday, June 11, 2016


Friday, 10 June.

Today. We ventured out of Rouen to Amiens Cathedral, in the region of Picardy. Built between 1220 and 1270, it is the 19th largest church in the world, and has the greatest interior volume of any French cathedral. Its expansiveness is the first thing that strikes you when you walk in. The cathedral allegedly contains the head of John the Baptist, brought from Constantinople.

We had a mishap here when one of our group (not either of us!) fell in the cathedral square and gashed her head. Taken by ambulance to the hospital, she was patched up with stitches, and returned to us two hours later.

So much to look at inside the cathedral; here is a taste. Oh! And there is a labyrinth, which you can see here. My feet are at the center of it.

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